Seminar: Presentations, Media, Photo Gallery (Sun 5 Jun)
Creatives Get Mutual Seminar, 5 June 2016
Speaker Presentations:
ABC Radio National Life Matters: Tues 7 June – Janelle Orsi (Click image for link)
Worker co-ops may be the solution to pitfalls of the sharing economy. Anna Patty, Workplace Editor, SMH Business Day, June 12, 2016 (Click image for link)
ABC Radio National Big Ideas – Co-ops and the new economy
Photo Gallery:
Photos are free to be copied – please acknowledge the source (Creatives Get Mutual) and the photographer Chris Gleisner:
Creatives Get Mutual is Curated, Produced and Presented by Social Enterprise Services Australia as a contributor of Vivid Sydney 2016/Ideas.
The project has been presented in association with the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals
Janelle Orsi’s travel has been generously supported by the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) and Employee Ownership Australia.
Creatives Get Mutuals is supported by the following organisations:
Contact: Social Enterprise Services, Peter Tregilgas, Principal
PO Box 923 Newtown NSW 2042
e: / m: 0400 191 054