Creatives Get Mutual – Vivid Ideas 2016
The Business Council of Cooperative & Mutuals (BCCM) the peak association for co-operatives and mutuals in Australia, together with Social Enterprise Services Australia is proud to present two events:“Creatives Get Mutual” Seminar and Summit as a part of the 2016 Vivid Ideas programme.
The Creatives Get Mutual Seminar is designed for the creative industries and for anyone interested in the sharing economy, innovation and tech applications, to stimulate debate and provide practical tools to start up creative co-operative enterprises.
The arts and creative industries are by default: collaborative; and by choice: values and principle driven. Cities, technology and innovation have created new challenges for creative industries. The arts is the vanguard for creativity, but what are the opportunities for shared wealth in the ‘New Sharing Economy’?
Uber, Airbnb, Spotify and Go Get, have all challenged traditional business models and government regulation through redistribution and sharing access to products or services. But ownership remains with a few rather than the many who provide the service.
Creatives Get Mutual 1: Seminar
Business Models for the Creative Economy
Sunday 5 June 2016 (12 – 2pm)
Venue: Museum of Contemporary Art, Australia, Level 6 Terrace Entrance (Circular Quay West Side), Sydney
- View event on Vivid Sydney website
- View event on this website
- Speakers’ presentations
- Photos from the event
Creatives Get Mutual 2: Summit
Practical Tools For Building Collaborative Enterprise
Monday 6 June (9am-5pm)
Venue: Peace Embassy, 826 George Street (Cnr Regent St) Chippendale
- View event on Vivid Sydney website
- View event on this website
- Speakers’ presentations
- Photos from the event
Creatives Get Mutual is Curated, Produced and Presented by Social Enterprise Services Australia as a contributor of Vivid Sydney 2016/Ideas.
The project has been presented in association with the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals
Janelle Orsi’s travel has been generously supported by the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals (BCCM) and Employee Ownership Australia.
Creatives Get Mutuals is supported by the following organisations:
Contact: Social Enterprise Services, Peter Tregilgas, Principal
PO Box 923 Newtown NSW 2042
e: / m: 0400 191 054